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Proposal Pengadaan Alat Musik Gamelan

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Alat Musik Gamelan Jawa Tengah
Proposal Pengadaan Alat Musik Gamelan Berasal Dari
Start Up Guide for Unity ProInstalling an Application UNY USE 40010V20E
September 2004
Table of ContentsAbout the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Chapter 1 Description of the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Presentation of the Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 2 Presentation of Unity Pro software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Presentation of Unity Pro Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter 3 Installing the Application using Unity Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15At a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.1 Presentation of the Solution Used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16At a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Technological Choices Used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17The Different Steps in the Process using Unity Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2 Developing the Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19At a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Creating the Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Declaration of variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Creation and Use of DFBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Creating the Program in SFC for Managing the Tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Creating a Program in LD for Application Execution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Creating a Program in LD for Application Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Creating a Program in FBD for Application Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39Creating an Animation Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Creating the Operator Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Chapter 4 Starting the Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47At a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Execution of Application in Simulation Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48Execution of Application in Standard Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49Diagnostics Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
About the BookAt a Glance
Document Scope This manual describes how to install an application using different types of variables, programming languages and an operator screen describing the operation of the application.
Validity Note The application presented in this manual was developed using version V2.0 of Unity Pro software.
Related Documents
User Comments We welcome your comments about this document. You can reach us by e-mail at
Title of Documentation Reference Number
Unity Pro Online Help
Application available in the documentation CD Tank_management.XEF 5
About the Book6
Description of the applicationPresentation of the Application
At a Glance The application described in this document is used to manage the level of a liquid in a tank. The tank is filled by a pump, and drained using a valve.The different levels of the tank are measured with sensors placed on the tank.The volume of the tank is shown by a digital display.The applications operation control resources are based on an operator screen, which shows the status of the various sensors and actuators, as well as the volume of the tank.Depending on the status of the tank level and the application, the user must be alerted by way of alarms, with all necessary information backed up each time these are triggered.
Illustration This is the applications final operator screen:
Tank high safety
High tank level
Low tank level
Tank safety low
Pump flow0.2
Stop CycleStart Cycle7
Description of the ApplicationOperating mode The operating mode is as follows: A Start Cycle button is used to run filling cycles, When the high level of the tank is reached, the pump stops and the valve opens.
When the low level of the tank is reached, the valve closes and the pump is activated until the high level is reached.
A Stop Cycle button is used to interrupt the fill cycles. Pressing this button allows you to set the system to a safe level. The pump stops and the valve opens until the 'Low safety' level is reached (tank empty). The valve closes and the cycle stops.
The pump has a variable flow rate, the value of which can be accessed by the operator screen. The flow rate of the valve is equal to that of the pump.
Safety measures must be installed: Loss of tanks high level: another level, called 'High safety' is activated, and
the system is set to failsafe. The pump then stops and the valve opens until the 'Low safety' level is reached (tank empty). The valve closes and the cycle stops.
Loss of tanks low level: another level, called 'Low safety' is activated, and the system is set to failsafe. The valve then closes and the cycle stops.
For both failsafe modes, a fault message must be displayed. The time that the valve is open and closed is monitored, with a fault message
being displayed if either of these is exceeded.8
Presentation of Unity Pro softwarePresentation of Unity Pro Software
At a Glance Unity Pro is a software workshop for programming Telemecanique Modicon Premium, Modicon Quantum and Modicon Atrium PLCs.Below we provide a brief description of each of the blocks of Unity Pro required for application development.
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help.9
Presentation of Unity Pro SoftwareUser Interface The screen below shows the Unity Pro user interface:
The user interface is divided into several areas:
Tank high safety
High tank level
Low tank level
Stop CycleStart Cycle
File Edit View Utilities Tools Build PLC Debug Window ?Unity Pro XL: TANK_MANAGEMENT
Project Browser
1 2 3 4 5 6 78
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Name Value
Stop 0
application: [MAST]BF D
Structural View
Import/Export User Errors Find/ReplaceBuild Project
Screen Table application SimulationBF D BF D
Editing links.Transfer and execution of modifications in online mode.Process successful: 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s)
Variables FB instancesElementary variablesDerived variablesDerived I/O variablesElementary FB instancesDerived FB instances
CommunicationNetworksRouting Table
SR SectionsEvents
Animation tables
Derived FB TypesDerived Data Types
0: X BusConfiguration
4 3
Area Description
1 Unity Pro toolbar .
2 Editor window (language editors, data editors, etc.).
3 Project browser.
4 Information window (provides information on errors, signal monitoring, import functions, etc.).10
Presentation of Unity Pro SoftwareProject Browser The project browser provides easy access to various editors (See The Different Steps in the Process using Unity Pro, p. 18) used in the application. Configuration (See Configuration, p. 11), Derived FB Types (See DFB Editor, p. 13), Variables FB instances (See Data Editor, p. 12), Programs (See Program Editor, p. 12), Diagnostics (See Diagnostics Viewer, p. 13), Operator screens (See Operator Screens, p. 14).
Configuration The configuration tool is used to: createmodifysave the elements used to configure the PLC station, set up the application-specific modules comprising the station, diagnose the modules configured in the station, assess the current consumed on the basis of the voltages supplied by the power
supply module declared in the configuration, control the number of application-specific channels configured in relation to the
capacities of the processor declared in the configuration, assess processor memory usage.
Note: The configuration may be performed before or after the programming of the project; this has the advantage of being able to create generic projects without having to be concerned with the configuration in the initial stage.
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, and Project configuration). 11
Presentation of Unity Pro SoftwareData Editor The data editor offers the following functions: declaration of variable instances, definition of Derived Data Types (DDT), directly accessible via Derived Data
Types, declaration of instances of Elementary and Derived Function Blocks (EFB/DFB), definition of parameters of Derived Function Blocks (DFB), directly accessible via
Derived FB Types (See DFB Editor, p. 13).
To access the Data editor, simply double-click on Variables FB instances in the project browser.
Program Editor The program editor is used to develop the different PLC tasks using different types of language, in particular: FBD (Function Block Diagram), LD (Ladder Diagram), SFC (Sequential Function Chart), only available for the MAST task, IL (Instruction List), ST (Structured Text).
To access the Program editor, simply double-click on Program in the project browser and select a Task or an Event.
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, and Data editor).
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, and Programming).12
Presentation of Unity Pro SoftwareDFB Editor Unity Pro software enables you to create DFB user function blocks, using automation languages. A DFB is a program block that you develop to meet the specific requirements of your application. It includes: input/output parameters, public or private internal variables. one or more sections written in Ladder Diagram (LD), Instruction List (IL),
Structured Text (ST) or Functional Block Diagram (FBD) language,
To access the DFB editor, simply double-click on Derived FB Types in the project browser.
Diagnostics Viewer
Unity Pro features a diagnostics tool for systems and projects.If errors occur, they are displayed in a diagnostics window.
To access the DFB editor, simply double-click on Derived FB Types in the project browser.
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Language references, and User function block).
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, and Diagnostics). 13
Presentation of Unity Pro SoftwareOperator Screens
The operator screens are built into the software to aid operation of an automated process. In the Unity Pro software, they use: the project browser for browsing through the screens and launching different
tools (the graphics editor, variables editor, messages editor, etc.), the graphics editor for creating or changing screens. In online mode, it also allows
the viewing of animated screens and process driving, the library of objects which presents design objects and enables their insertion in
the screens. It also allows users to create their own objects and insert them in a library family.
To access Operator screens, simply right-click on Operator screens in the project browser and select a new screen.
Simulator The PLC simulator enables you to simulate a project without having to connect to a real PLC.All the project tasks (Mast, Fast, AUX and Event) are also available in the simulator. The difference in relation to a real API is that there are no I/O and communications modules.
To access the Simulator, simply select Simulation mode in the PLC menu and connect to the API.
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, and Operator screens).
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, then Debugging and adjustment and PLC simulator).14
Installing the Application using Unity ProAt a Glance
Subject of this Chapter
This chapter describes the procedure for creating the application described. It shows, in general and in more detail, the steps in creating the different components of the application.
What's in this Chapter?
This chapter contains the following sections:
Section Topic Page
3.1 Presentation of the Solution Used 16
3.2 Developing the Application 1915
Application using Unity Pro3.1 Presentation of the Solution Used
At a Glance
Subject of this Section
This section presents the solution used to develop the application. It explains the technological choices and gives the applications creation timeline.
What's in this Section?
This section contains the following topics:
Topic Page
Technological Choices Used 17
The Different Steps in the Process using Unity Pro 1816
Application using Unity ProTechnological Choices Used
At a Glance There are several ways of writing an application using Unity Pro. The one proposed allows you to structure the application so as to facilitate its creation and debugging.
Technological Choices
The following table shows the technological choices used for the application:
Objects Choices used
Use of the pump Creation of a user function block (DFB) to facilitate management of the pump in terms of entering a program and speed of debugging. The programming language used to develop this DFB is a function block diagram (FBD)-based graphic language.
Use of the valve Creation of a user function block (DFB) to facilitate management of the valve in terms of entering a program and speed of debugging. The programming language used to develop this DFB is a function block diagram (FBD)-based graphic language.
Supervision screen Use of elements from the library and new objects.
Main supervision program This program is developed using a sequential function chart (SFC), also called GRAFCET. The various sections are created in Ladder Diagram (LD) language, and use the different DFBs created.
Fault display Use of the ALRM_DIA DFB to control the status of the variables linked with the faults.
Note: Using a DFB function block in an application enables you to: simplify the design and entry of the program, increase the legibility of the program, facilitate debugging the application, reduce the volume of generated code. 17
Application using Unity ProThe Different Steps in the Process using Unity Pro
At a Glance The following logic diagram shows the different steps to follow to create the application. A chronological order must be respected in order to correctly define all of the application elements.
Description Description of the different types:
Configuration of projectin
Declaration of variablesin
Variables FB instances
Creation of DFBsin
Derived FB Types
Creation of sections:
Creation of sections:Actions
Creation of an animation table in
Animation tables
Creation of an operator screen in
Operator screens
Launching of Unity Pro and
selection of processor
Creation of Grafcetin
Generation of project, connection to APIand
switch to RUN mode18
Application using Unity Pro3.2 Developing the Application
At a Glance
Subject of this Section
This section gives a step-by-step description of how to create the application using Unity Pro.
What's in this Section?
This section contains the following topics:
Topic Page
Creating the Project 20
Declaration of variables 21
Creation and Use of DFBs 24
Creating the Program in SFC for Managing the Tank 30
Creating a Program in LD for Application Execution 34
Creating a Program in LD for Application Simulation 36
Creating a Program in FBD for Application Diagnostics 39
Creating an Animation Table 41
Creating the Operator Screen 43 19
Application using Unity ProCreating the Project
At a Glance Developing an application using Unity Pro involves creating a project associated with a PLC.
Procedure for Creating a Project
The table below shows the procedure for creating the project using Unity Pro.
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, and Project configuration).
Step Action
1 Launch the Unity Pro software,
2 Click on File then New then select a PLC,
3 Insert a module (See Application Hardware Configuration, p. 49) or network to terminate your configuration.
4 Confirm with OK. You can now develop your application in Unity Pro.
PLC Description
PremiumTSXP57 204MTSX P57 2634MTSX P57 304MTSX P57 3634MTSX P57 5634MTSX PCI57 204M
New Project
57.2, 768Kb Program, Ethernet.TCP/IP, Unitelway
57.3, 1.75Mb, Program, Unitelway
57.2, 768Kb Program, Unitelway
57.3, 1.75Mb Program, Ethernet.TCP/IP, Unitelwa57.5, 4Mb Program, Ethernet.TCP/IP, USB, Unite57.2 for PC, 768Kb Program, UnitelwayQuantum
Application using Unity ProDeclaration of variables
At a Glance All of the variables used in the different sections of the program must be declared.Undeclared variables cannot be used in the program.
Procedure for Declaring Variables
The table below shows the procedure for declaring application variables:
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, and Data editor).
Step Action
1 In Project browser / Variables FB instances, double-click on Elementary variables.
2 In the Data editor window, select the box in the Name column and enter a name for your first variable.
3 Now select a Type for this variable.
4 When all your variables are declared, you can close the window. 21
Application using Unity ProVariables Used for the Application
The following table shows the details of the variables used in the application:
Variable Type Definition
Acknowledgement EBOOL Acknowledgement of a fault (Status 1).
Stop EBOOL Stop cycle at end of draining (Status 1).
Run EBOOL Startup request for filling cycles (Status 1).
Motor_run_cmd EBOOL Startup request for filling cycles (Status 1).
Motor_error EBOOL Error returned by the motor.
Contactor_return EBOOL Error returned by the contactor in the event of motor error.
Pump_rate REAL Pump flow rate value.
Flow rate BOOL Intermediate variable for simulating the application.
Rate EBOOL Variable used to calculate the volume of the tank (same as S6 in our project).This variable is used to simulate the project, and must be deleted for real-life cases.
Valve_opening_cmd EBOOL Opening of the valve (Status 1).
Valve_closure_cmd EBOOL Closing of the valve (Status 1).
Valve_opening_error EBOOL Error returned by the valve on opening.
Valve_closure_error EBOOL Error returned by the valve on closing.
Lim_valve_opening EBOOL Valve in open position (Status 1).
Lim_valve_closure EBOOL Valve in closed position (Status 1).
Valve_closure_time TIME Valve closure time.
Valve_opening_time TIME Valve opening time.
Tank_low_level EBOOL Tank volume at low level (Status 1).
Tank_high_level EBOOL Tank volume at high level (Status 1).
Tank_low_safety EBOOL Tank volume at low safety level (Status 1).
Tank_high_safety EBOOL Tank volume at high safety level (Status 1).
Tank_vol REAL Variable used to calculate the volume of the tank.This variable is used to simulate the project, and must be deleted for real-life cases.
Note: EBOOL types can be used for I/O modules, unlike BOOL types.22
Application using Unity ProThe following screen shows the application variables created using the data editor:
DDT types Function blocks DFB types
Data Editor
Name Type Addre. Comment
Motor_error EBOOL
Valve_rate REAL
Valve_opening_cmd EBOOL
Motor_run_cmd EBOOL
Tank_low_safety EBOOL
Game balap mobil pc multiplayer. BOOL
Contactor_return EBOOL
Tank_high_level EBOOL
Valve_opening_time TIME
Tank_Vol REAL
With_fault BOOL
EBOOLAcknowledgment 23
Application using Unity ProCreation and Use of DFBs
At a Glance DFB types are function blocks that can be programmed by the user ST, IL, LD or FBD. Our application uses a motor DFB and a valve DFB.We will also be using existing DFB from the library for monitoring variables. Particularly 'safety' variables for tank levels, and 'error' variables returned by the valve. The status of these variables will be visible in Diagnostics display.
Procedure for Creating a DFB
The table below shows the procedure for creating application DFBs.
Note: Function blocks can be used to structure and optimize your application. They can be used whenever a program sequence is repeated several times in your application, or to set a standard programming operation (for example, an algorithm that controls a motor).Once the DFB type is created, you can define an instance of this DFB via the variable editor or when the function is called in the program editor.
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Language references, and User function block).
Step Action
1 In the Project browser, right click on Derived FB types and select Open.
2 In the Data editor window, select the box in the Name column and enter a name for your DFB and confirm with Enter. The name of your DFB appears with the sign 'Works' (unanalyzed DFB).
3 Open the structure of your DFB (see figure below) and add the inputs, outputs and other variables specific to your DFB.
4 When the variables of the DFB are declared, analyze your DFB (the sign 'Works' must disappear). To analyze your DFB, select the DFB and, in the menu, click Build then Analyze. You have created the variables for your DFB, and must now create the associated section.
5 In the Project browser, double-click on Derived FB types then on your DFB. Under the name of your DFB, the Sections field will appear.
6 Right click on Sections then select New section.
7 Give your section a name, then select the language type and confirm with OK. Edit your section using the variables declared in step 3. Your DFB can now be used by the program (DFB Instance).24
Application using Unity ProVariables Used by the Motor DFB
The following table lists the variables used by the Motor DFB:
Illustration of the Motor DFB variables declared in the data editor
The following screen shows the Motor DFB variables used in this application to control the motor:
Variable Type Definition
Run Input Motor run command.
Stop Input Motor stop command.
Contactor_return Input Contactor feedback in the event of motor run problem.
Acknowledgement Input Acknowledgement of the Motor_error output variable.
Motor_run_cmd Output Start of motor.
Motor_error Output Display in the 'Diagnostics display' window of an alarm linked to a problem with the motor.
DDT types Function blocks
DFB types
Data Editor
Name Type Commen.
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Application using Unity ProOperating Principle of the Motor DFB
The following screen shows the Motor DFB program written by the application in FBD for controlling the motor:
When Run = 1 and Stop = 0, the motor can be controlled (Motor_run_cmd = 1). The other part monitors the Contactor_return variable. If Contactor_return is not set to '1' after the Discrete counter counts two seconds, the Motor_error output switches to '1'.
Note: For more information on creating a section, consult the Unity Pro online help
(click , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate Modes and Programming and select the required language).
.12 3 4
motor: [Motor]BF D26
Application using Unity ProVariables Used by the Valve DFB
The following table lists the variables used by the Valve DFB:
Illustration of the Valve DFB variables declared in the data editor
The following screen shows the Valve DFB variables used in this application to control the valve:
Variable Type Definition
Valve_opening Input Valve opening command.
Valve_closure Input Valve closure command.
Lim_valve_opening Input Status of valve limit.
Lim_valve_closure Input Status of valve limit.
Acknowledgement Input Acknowledgement of variables Valve_closure_error or Valve_opening_error.
Valve_opening_cmd Output Opening of the valve.
Valve_closure_cmd Output Closure of the valve.
Valve_opening_error Output Display in the 'Diagnostics display' window of an alarm linked to a problem with the valve opening.
Valve_closure_error Output Display in the 'Diagnostics display' window of an alarm linked to a problem with the valve closure.
DDT types Function blocks
DFB types
Data Editor
Name Type Commen.
Lim_valve_closure 4 BOOL 27
Application using Unity ProOperating Principle of the Valve DFB
The following screen shows the Valve DFB written in FBD language:
This DFB authorizes the command to open the valve (Valve_opening_cmd) when the inputs Valve_closure and Lim_valve_opening are set to '0'. The principle is the same for closure, with an additional safety feature if the user requests the opening and closing of the valve at the same time (opening takes priority).In order to monitor opening and closing times, we use the TON timer to delay the triggering of a fault. Once the valve opening is enabled (Valve_opening_cmd = 1), the timer is triggered. If Lim_valve_opening does not switch to '1' within two seconds, the output variable Valve_opening_error switches to '1'. In this case a message is displayed (See Diagnostics Viewer, p. 51).
Note: The PT time must be adjusted according to your equipment
FBI 9 58 9
FBI 8 46 7
FBI 62
Valve_opening Valve_opening_cmd
FBI 75
valve: [Valve]BF D28
Application using Unity ProProcedure for Customizing an Existing DFB from a Library DFB
The table below shows the procedure for using library ALRM_DIA DFBs.
Illustration of the Function Blocks Used by the Application
The following screen shows the different ALRM_DIA Function blocks used in the application for displaying information in the Diagnostics viewer window:
Note: For more information on creating a section, consult the Unity Pro online help
(click , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate Modes and Programming and select the required language).
Step Action
1 In the Project browser, double-click on Elementary variables, then select the Function Blocks tab.
2 In the Data editor window, select the cell in the Name column and enter a name for your Function block and confirm with Enter.
3 The FB type selection window appears, in Libraries/Families select Libraries then Diagnostics and click on ALRM_DIA then confirm with Enter.
4 In the Data editor window, add comments in the Comment field in order to display them in Diagnostics viewer. Your Function block can now be used by the program (DFB Instance).
DDT types Function blocks
DFB types
Data Editor
Name Type Comment
ValueNo.Low_safety_alarm ALRM_DIA
Valve closure timeHigh_safety_alarmValve_closure_alarm
Valve_opening_alarm Valve opening time
High level safety reachedLow level safety reached / tank 29
Application using Unity ProCreating the Program in SFC for Managing the Tank
At a Glance The main program is written in SFC (Grafcet). The different sections of the grafcet steps and transitions are written in LD. This program is declared in a MAST task, and will depend on the status of a Boolean variable.The main advantage of SFC language is that its graphic animation allows us to monitor in real time the execution of an application.Several sections are declared in the MAST task:
The Tank_management (See Illustration of the Tank_management Section, p. 31) section, written in SFC and describing the operate mode,
The Application (See Creating a Program in LD for Application Execution, p. 34) section, written in LD, which executes the pump start-up using the motor DFB, as well as the opening and closure of the valve.
The Simulation (See Creating a Program in LD for Application Simulation, p. 36) section, written in LD, which simulates the application. This section must be deleted in the case of connection to a PLC.
The Diagnostics (See Creating a Program in FBD for Application Diagnostics, p. 39) section, written in FBD, for returning application errors to the diagnostics display.
Note: The LD, SFC and FBD-type sections used in the application must be animated in online mode (See Starting the Application, p. 47), with the PLC in RUN.30
Application using Unity ProIllustration of the Tank_management Section
The following screen shows the application Grafcet:
Note: For more information on creating an SFC section, see Unity Pro online help
(click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, then Programming and SFC editor).
Pump Initial Initial
Normal Safety
Pump 31
Application using Unity ProDescription of the Tank_management Section
The following table describes the different steps and transitions of the Tank_management Grafcet:
Step / Transition Description
Initial This is the initial step.
Initial_condition This is the transition that starts the pump. The transition is valid when the variables: Stop_cycle = 0, Run_cycle = 1, Tank_high_safety = 0, Lim_valve_closure = 1
Pump This is the step that starts the pump and filling of the tank until the high level is reached. This step activates the motor DFB in the Application section, which controls the activation of the pump.
No_fault This transition is active when the tanks high level is reached and the safety high level is set to 0.
Open_valve1 This step opens the valve to drain the tank. This step activates the valve DFB in the Application section, which controls the opening of the valve.
Drainage This transition is active when the tanks low level or safety low level is set to 1.
Close_valve1 This is the valve closure step. This step activates the valve DFB in the Application section, which controls the closure of the valve.
Normal This transition is valid when the low level of the tank and Lim_valve_closure are set to 1. In this case we skip to step S_1_2.
Safety This transition is valid when the low safety level of the tank and Lim_valve_closure are set to 1. Where this is the case, we return to the start of the cycle and wait for the safety variable to be reset, and the cycle to be restarted.
With_fault This transition is active when the High safety level of the tank has been reached, or the Stop_cycle button has been activated (Stop_cycle = 1).
Open_valve2 This step is identical to Open_valve1.
Tank_low_safety This transition is active when the low safety level of the tank is set to 1 (after the tank is drained following a stop cycle command, or following activation of the high safety level).
Close_valve2 This step is identical to Close_valve1.
Lim_valve_closure This transition is valid when Lim_valve_closure is set to 1. Where this is the case, we return to the start of the cycle and wait for the safety variable to be reset, and the cycle to be restarted.
Note: You can see all the steps and actions of your SFC by clicking on in front of the name of your SFC section.32
Application using Unity ProProcedure for Creating an SFC Section
The table below shows the procedure for creating an SFC section for the application.
Step Action
1 In Project BrowserProgramTasks, double-click on MAST.
2 Right click on Section then select New section. Give your section a name (Tank_management for the SFC section) then select SFC language.
3 The name of your section appears, and can now be edited by double clicking on it.
4 The SFC edit tools appear in the window, which you can use to create your Grafcet.For example, to create a step with a transition:
To create the step, click on then place it in the editor,
To create the transition, click on then place it in the editor (generally under the preceding step). 33
Application using Unity ProCreating a Program in LD for Application Execution
At a Glance This section controls the pump and the valve using the DFBs created (See Creation and Use of DFBs, p. 24) earlier.
Illustration of the Application Section
The section below is part of the MAST task. It has no condition defined for it so it is permanently executed:
Description of the Application Section
When the Pump step is active, the Run input of the motor DFB is at 1. If the Stop input of the motor DFB is at 0, the Motor_run_cmd switches to '1' and the pump supply is activated.
the same principle applies to the steps Open_valve1 and Open_valve2 and to the rest of the section.
Acknowledgement Acknowledgement
Valve_. Motor_error
Acknowledgement Acknowledgement
Application using Unity ProProcedure for Creating an LD Section
The table below describes the procedure for creating part of the Application section.
Step Action
1 In Project BrowserProgramTasks, double-click on MAST.
2 Right click on Section then select New section. Name this section Application, then select the language type LD.The edit window opens.
3To create the contact Open_valve1.x, click on then place it in the editor.
Double-click on this contact then enter the name of the step with the suffix '.x' at the end (signifying a step of an SFC section) and confirm with OK.
4 To use the motor DFB you must instantiate it. Right click in the editor then click
on Select data and on . Click on the Function and Function Block Types tab and select your DFB then confirm with OK and position your DFB. To link the Open_valve1.x contact to the stop input of the DFB, align the
contact and the input horizontally, click on and position the link between the contact and the input.
Note: For more information on creating an LD section, see Unity Pro online help
(click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, then Programming and LD editor). 35
Application using Unity ProCreating a Program in LD for Application Simulation
At a Glance This section is only used for application simulation. It should therefore not be used if a PLC is connected.36
Application using Unity ProIllustration of the Simulation Section
The section below is part of the MAST task. It has no condition defined for it so it is permanently executed:
Pump.x flow rate
Stopflow rate
Tank_vol = Tank_vol + Pump_rate;
Valve_rate = Pump_rate;
Tank_vol = 0.0
Tank_vol = Tank_vol - Valve_rate;
Tank_vol = 10.0
Tank_vol = 9.0
Tank_vol = 1.0
flow rate
Application using Unity ProDescription of the Simulation Section
the first line is used to simulate the value of the Lim_valve_opening variable. If the valve opening command is given (Valve_opening_cmd = 1), a TON timer is triggered. When the PT time is reached, the TON output switches to '1' and increments the Lim_valve_opening output to '1' unless the valve closure command is given at the same time,
same principle applies to the Lim_valve_closure and Contactor_return outputs. the last part of the section is used for the simulation of the tank level and for
triggering the different tank levels. The OPERATE and COMPARE blocks from the library can be used to do this.
Note: For more information on creating an LD section, see Unity Pro online help
(click on , then Unity, then SoftwareUnity Pro, then Operate modes , then Programming and LD editor).38
Application using Unity ProCreating a Program in FBD for Application Diagnostics
At a Glance This section is used to declare variables which will be sent to the diagnostics viewer in the event of an error.
Illustration of the Diagnostics Section
The screen below shows the FBD section using the Function blocks (See Illustration of the Function Blocks Used by the Application, p. 29) Low_safety_alarm, High_safety_alarm and valve_error:
Description of the Diagnostics Section
The principle of this section is based on the use of ALMR_DIA function blocks. All the blocks monitor changes in the state of the input variable. As the inputs are always connected to COND0, display in the Diagnostics Viewer window will be triggered when the input variable switches to 1.
Valve opening error
Valve closure error
Low safety alarm
High safety alarm
Tank_high_safety 39
Application using Unity ProProcedure for Creating an FBD Section
The table below describes the principle for the Diagnostics section:
Step Action
1 In Project BrowserProgramTasks, double-click on MAST.
2 Right click on Section then select New section. Name this section Diagnostics, then select the language type FBD.The edit window opens.
3 To use the ALRM_DIA function block you created, you must instantiate it. Right
click in the editor then click on Select data and on . Click on the Function Blocks tab and select your function block then confirm with OK and position it in the FBD editor.
To assign a variable to an input or an output, double-click on it, click on and select your variable from the Variable tab.
Note: For more information on creating an LD section, see Unity Pro online help
(click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, then Programming and FBD editor).40
Application using Unity ProCreating an Animation Table
At a Glance An animation table is used to monitor the values of variables, and modify and/or force these values. Only those variables declared in Variables FB instances can be added to the animation table.
Procedure for Creating an Animation Table
The table below shows the procedure for creating an animation table.
Note: For more information, consult the Unity Pro online help (click , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, then Debugging and adjustment then Viewing and adjusting variables and Animation tables).
Step Action
1 In the Project browser, right click on Animation tables.The edit window opens.
2 Click on first cell in the Name column, then on the button, and add the variables you require. 41
Application using Unity ProAnimation Table Created for the Application
The following screen shows the animation table used by the application:
Note: The animation table is dynamic only in online mode (display of variable values).
Name Value Type Comment
Valve_opening_error EBOOL
Valve_opening_cmd EBOOL
Contactor_return EBOOL
. Fokker 100 digital aviation fsx crack sp1. Gauge ( .
Stop EBOOL042
Application using Unity ProCreating the Operator Screen
At a Glance The operator screen is used to animate graphic objects that symbolize the application. These objects can belong to the Unity Pro library, or can be created using the graphic editor.
Illustration on an Operator Screen
The following illustration shows the application operator screen:
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, and Operator screens).
Note: To animate objects in online mode, you must click on . By clicking on this
button, you can validate what is written.
Tank high safety
High tank level
Low tank level
Tank safety low level
Pump flow0.2
Stop CycleStart Cycle 43
Application using Unity ProProcedure for Creating an Operator Screen
The table below shows the procedure for creating the Start Cycle button:
The table below shows the procedure for inserting and animating the tank.
Step Action
1 In the Project browser, right click on Operator screens and click on New screen.The operator screen editor appears.
2 Click on and place it in the operator screen editor. Double-click on the button and, in the
Control tab, select the Run variable by clicking on , and confirm with OK, then enter the name of the button in the Text area. The button is presently assigned to the Run variable.
Step Action
1 In the Project browser, right click on Operator screens and click on New screen.The operator screen editor appears.
2 In the Tools menu, select Operator Screen Library. The window opens. Double click on Fluids then Tank. Select the dynamic tank from the runtime screen, and Copy (Ctrl + C) then Paste (Ctrl + V) it into the drawing in the operator screen editor (to return to your screen, click on Window then Screen).
The tank is now in your operator screen. You now need a variable to animate the level. In the Tools menu, click on Variables Window. The window appears to the left, and in the Name column we see the word MW0. To obtain the animated part of the graphic object (in this case the tank), double click on MW0. A part of the tank is selected. Right click on this part, then click on Characteristics.
Select the Animation tab and enter the variable concerned by clicking the button (in the place
of MW0). In our application, this will be Tank_vol. You must define the tanks minimum and maximum values. In the Type of animation tab, click
Bar chart then the button, and fill in the entry fields according to the tank.
Confirm with Apply and OK.44
Application using Unity ProThe table below shows the procedure for inserting and animating the valve.
Step Action
1 In the Project browser, right click on Operator screens and click on New screen.The operator screen editor appears.
2 In the Tools menu, select Operator Screen Library. The window opens. Double click on Actuators then Valve. Select a dynamic valve (from the runtime screen), and Copy (Ctrl + C) then Paste (Ctrl + V) it into the drawing in the operator screen editor (to return to your screen, click on Window then Screen).
Select the valve, right click on it then click on Detach. Select the red rectangle and move it so you can see the green rectangle underneath it. Double click on the green rectangle, then click on the Animation tab and add the Valve_opening_cmd variable. Still in the Object properties window, in the Display condition area, select Bit = 1. This setting makes the green rectangle visible when M2 = 1, otherwise this rectangle is invisible.
Same procedure for the red rectangle, only with the display condition Bit = 0. If the animation does not work, put the foreground rectangle into the background. 45
Application using Unity Pro46
Starting the ApplicationAt a Glance
Subject of this Section
This chapter shows the procedure for starting the application. It describes the different types of application executions.
What's in this Chapter?
This chapter contains the following topics:
Topic Page
Execution of Application in Simulation Mode 48
Execution of Application in Standard Mode 49
Diagnostics Viewer 5147
Starting the ApplicationExecution of Application in Simulation Mode
At a Glance You can connect to the API simulator which enables you to test an application without a physical connection to the PLC and other devices.
Application Execution
The table below shows the procedure for launching the application in simulation mode:
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, then Debugging and adjustment and PLC simulator).
Step Action
1 In the PLC menu, click on Simulation Mode,
2 In the Build menu, click on Rebuild All Project. Your project is generated and is ready to be transferred to the simulator. When you generate the project, you will see a results window. If there is an error in the program, Unity Pro indicates its location if you double-click on the highlighted sequence.
3 In the PLC menu, click on Connection. You are now connected to the simulator.
4 In the PLC menu, click on Transfer project to PLC. The Transfer project to PLC window opens. Click on Transfer. The application is transferred to the PLC simulator.
5 In the PLC, click on Execute. The Execute window opens. Click on OK. The application is now being executed (in RUN mode) on the PLC simulator.48
Starting the ApplicationExecution of Application in Standard Mode
At a Glance To work in standard mode you need to use a PLC and Discrete and Analog I/O modules to assign outputs to different sensors and actuators.The variables used in simulation mode must be modified. In standard mode, variables must be located to be associated to physical I/Os.
Application Hardware Configuration
The table below shows the procedure for configuring the application.
Assignment of Variables to Input Module
The table below shows the procedure for direct addressing of variables:
Note: For more information on addressing, see Unity Pro online help (click on
, then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Languages reference, then Data description and Data instances).
Step Action
1 In the Project browser double-click on Configuration then on 0:Bus X and on 0:TSX RKY (where 0 is the rack number).
2 In the Bus X window, select a slot, for example 3 and double-click on it.
3 Insert a discrete input module, for example TSX DEY 16A5.
4 Confirm with OK. This input module is used to connect the applications EBOOL inputs.
Step Action
1 In the Project browser and in Variables FB instances, double-click on Elementary variables.
2 In the Address column, enter the address associated with the variable in the form RackModuleChannelData.Example: On the TSX DEY 16A5 module, there are 2 channels, channel 0 and channel 8. Channel 0 handles inputs 0 to 7 and channel 8 handles inputs 8 to 15.If the valve closure limit switch output is connected to input 0 of the module, the address I0.3.0.0 is displayed in the address column of the editor for the Lim_valve_closure variable
3 Repeat the same procedure for all located variables.
Lim_valve_closure BOOL IO.3.0.0 49
Starting the ApplicationApplication Execution
The table below shows the procedure for launching the application in standard mode:
Step Action
1 In the PLC menu, click on Standard Mode,
2 In the Build menu, click on Rebuild All Project. Your project is generated and is ready to be transferred to the PLC. When you generate the project, you will see a results window. If there is an error in the program, Unity Pro indicates its location if you click on the highlighted sequence.
3 In the PLC menu, click on Connection. You are now connected to the PLC.
4 In the PLC menu, click on Transfer project to PLC. The Transfer project to PLC window opens. Click on Transfer. The application is transferred to the PLC.
5 In the PLC, click on Execute. The Execute window opens. Click on OK. The application is now being executed (in RUN mode) on the PLC.50
Starting the ApplicationDiagnostics Viewer
At a Glance The diagnostics viewer enables you to monitor variables when they are associated to diagnostics function blocks (ALMR_DIA for example).
Creation of Diagnostics
The table below shows the procedure for displaying the diagnostics window:
Illustration of the Diagnostics Viewer
The illustration below shows an example of what is displayed when the Tank_low_safety variable switches from 0 to 1:
Note: For more information on the declaration of these variables for diagnostics purposes, go to the DFB section (See Procedure for Customizing an Existing DFB from a Library DFB, p. 29).
Step Action
1 In the Tools menu, click on Diagnostics Viewer. The window is displayed on-screen.
2 As soon as the Tank_low_safety or Tank_high_safety or Valve_opening_error or Valve_closure_error variables switch from 0 to 1, a message is displayed in the diagnostics viewer.
Note: For more information, see Unity Pro online help (click on , then Unity, then Unity Pro, then Operate modes, and Diagnostics).
Diagnostic viewer
Low level safety reached / tank empty FB Alarm Low_safety_alarm 0 06/02/2004 11:30:59AcknowledgedLow level safety reached / tank empty FB Alarm Low_safety_alarm 06/02/2004 11:30:46 06/02/2004 11:30:56DeletedLow level safety reached / tank empty FB Alarm Low_safety_alarm 06/02/2004 11:30:06 06/02/2004 11:30:38Deleted
Message Fault Symbol Appearance Date: 3Area Appearance Date: 2
Acknowledge-ment: 0 51
Starting the Application52
GlossaryI According to the IEC standard, I indicates a discrete input-type language object.
M According to the IEC standard, M indicates a memory bit-type language object.
MW According to the IEC standard, MW indicates a memory word-type language object.
Q According to the IEC standard, Q indicates a discrete output-type language object.
BIT This is a binary unit for a quantity of information which can represent two distinct values (or statuses): 0 or 1.
BOOL BOOL is the abbreviation of Boolean type. This is the elementary data item in computing. A BOOL type variable has a value of either: 0 (FALSE) or 1 (TRUE).A BOOL type word extract bit, for example: MW10.4.
BYTE When 8 bits are put together, this is called a BYTE. A BYTE is either entered in binary, or in base 8.The BYTE type is coded in an 8 bit format, which, in hexadecimal, ranges from 1600 to 16FF
GlossaryDFB DFB is the abbreviation of Derived Function Block.DFB types are function blocks that can be programmed by the user ST, IL, LD or FBD.By using DFB types in an application, it is possible to: simplify the design and input of the program, increase the legibility of the program, facilitate the debugging of the program, reduce the volume of the generated code.
DFB instance A DFB type instance occurs when an instance is called from a language editor.The instance possesses a name, input/output interfaces, the public and private variables are duplicated (one duplication per instance, the code is not duplicated). A DFB type can have several instances.
EBOOL EBOOL is the abbreviation of Extended Boolean type. It can be used to manage rising or falling edges, as well as forcing.An EBOOL type variable takes up one byte of memory.
EFB Is the abbreviation for Elementary Function Block.This is a block which is used in a program, and which performs a predefined software function.EFBs have internal statuses and parameters. Even where the inputs are identical, the output values may be different. For example, a counter has an output which indicates that the preselection value has been reached. This output is set to 1 when the current value is equal to the preselection value.
FBD FBD is the abbreviation of Function Block Diagram.
GlossaryFBD is a graphic programming language that operates as a logic diagram. In addition to the simple logic blocks (AND, OR, etc.), each function or function block of the program is represented using this graphic form. For each block, the inputs are located to the left and the outputs to the right. The outputs of the blocks can be linked to the inputs of other blocks to form complex expressions.
Function view View making it possible to see the program part of the application through the functional modules created by the user (see Functional module definition).
IEC 61131-3 International standard: Programmable Logic Controls Part 3: Programming languages.
IL IL is the abbreviation of Instruction List.This language is a series of basic instructions. This language is very close to the assembly language used to program processors.Each instruction is composed of an instruction code and an operand.
Instantiate To instantiate an object is to allocate a memory space whose size depends on the type of object to be instantiated. When an object is instantiated, it exists and can be manipulated by the program.
INT INT is the abbreviation of single integer format (coded on 16 bits). The lower and upper limits are as follows: -(2 to the power of 31) to (2 to the power of 31) - 1.Example:-32768, 32767, 21111110001001001, 169FA4.
LD LD is the abbreviation of Ladder Diagram. LD is a programming language, representing the instructions to be carried out in the form of graphic diagrams very close to a schematic electrical diagram (contacts, coils, etc.).
GlossaryLocated variable A located variable is a variable for which it is possible to know its position in the PLC memory. For example, the variable Water_pressure, is associated with MW102. Water_pressure is said to be located.
Master task Main program task.It is obligatory and is used to carry out sequential processing of the PLC.
Operator screen This is an editor that is integrated into Unity Pro, which is used to facilitate the operation of an automated process. The user regulates and monitors the operation of the installation, and, in the event of any problems, can act quickly and simply.
REAL Real type is a coded type in 32 bits.The ranges of possible values are illustrated in gray in the following diagram:
When a calculation result is: between -1.175494e-38 and 1.175494e-38 it is considered as a DEN, less than -3.402824e+38, the symbol -INF (for -infinite) is displayed, greater than +3.402824e+38, the symbol INF (for +infinite) is displayed, undefined (square root of a negative number), the symbol NAN is displayed.
Section Program module belonging to a task which can be written in the language chosen by the programmer (FBD, LD, ST, IL, or SFC).
-3.402824e+38 3.402824e+38-1.1754944e-38 1.1754944e-380.0
Incredimail 2.5 for windows 10. INF-INF
GlossaryA task can be composed of several sections, the order of execution of the sections corresponding to the order in which they are created. This order is modifiable.
SFC SFC is the abbreviation of Sequential Function Chart.SFC enables the operation of a sequential automation device to be represented graphically and in a structured manner. This graphic description of the sequential behavior of an automation device, and the various situations which result from it, is provided using simple graphic symbols.
SFC objects An SFC object is a data structure representing the status properties of an action or transition of a sequential chart.
ST ST is the abbreviation of Structured Text language.Structured Text language is an elaborated language close to computer programming languages. It enables you to structure series of instructions.
Structure View in the project navigator with represents the project structure.
Subroutine Program module belonging to a task (Mast, Fast) which can be written in the language chosen by the programmer (FBD, LD, ST, or IL). A subroutine may only be called by a section or by another subroutine belonging to the task in which it is declared.
Task A group of sections and subroutines, executed cyclically or periodically for the MAST task, or periodically for the FAST task. A task possesses a level of priority and is linked to inputs and outputs of the PLC. These I/O are refreshed in consequence.
TIME The type TIME expresses a duration in milliseconds. Coded in 32 bits, this type makes it possible to obtain periods from 0 to (2 to the power of 32)-1 milliseconds.
Unlocated variable
An unlocated variable is a variable for which it is impossible to know its position in the PLC memory. A variable which have no address assigned is said to be unlocated.
GlossaryVariable Memory entity of the type BOOL, WORD, DWORD, etc., whose contents can be modified by the program during execution.
WORD The WORD type is coded in 16 bit format and is used to carry out processing on bit strings.This table shows the lower/upper limits of the bases which can be used:
Representation examples
Base Lower limit Upper limit
Hexadecimal 160 16FFFF
Octal 80 8177777
Binary 20 21111111111111111
Data content Representation in one of the bases
0000000011010011 16D3
1010101010101010 8125252
0000000011010011 21101001158
CBIndexAApplication section (LD), 34
Bbutton, 41
Simulator mode, 48Standard Mode, 49
DDiagnostics section (FBD), 39
MMotor DFB, 25
SSimulation section (LD), 37
TTank_management section (SFC), 31 UUnity Pro
Configuration, 11Data editor, 12DFB editor, 13Diagnostics, 13Operator screens, 14Presentation, 9Program editor, 12Project browser, 11Simulator, 14User interface, 10
VValve DFB, 2759
Start Up Guide for Unity ProTable of ContentsAbout the Book
Description of the applicationPresentation of Unity Pro softwareInstalling the Application using Unity ProPresentation of the Solution UsedDeveloping the Application
Starting the ApplicationGlossaryIndex
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